Steve McAlphabet Motorcycling Music Across America
Year: <span>2017</span>

Can We Use Money More Collaboratively Instead of Competitively?

For a few years, before I decided to my non-monetary lifestyle experiment, I mulled over this concept of ABC2 Economics. I called it the WeBMaP at the time. In my mind, it only seemed right to find a more balanced solution to our financial predicament. While I know that much of …

Beyond Words

I’m having a bit of a challenge talking about the problems of the world and, more importantly, how we move beyond them. Part of the challenge is the limitation of our language. I generally interact with much of the world digitally through the Facebook platform, as does 53% of my …

Is America Ready to Be a Democracy Yet?

After 240 years of living under a republic, is America more prepared to participate in an actual democracy? In 1776, a republic was a far cry better than a kingdom, yet the founding fathers agreed that a true democracy would be too unruly. When the 91 members of Congress, representing …