Steve McAlphabet Motorcycling Music Across America
Author: <span>Steve McAllister</span>

Will Rogers on Universal Basic Income

“No matter what you have to hand out for necessities, the receiver should give some kind of work in return. Cuz he has to eat just the same when he is laying off as when he’s working. So every city or every state should give work of some kind at a living wage so that no one would be in actual want.” – Will Rogers

Your Daily Groove – The Life You’re Creating

“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced” – Kierkegaard Science has afforded our civilization many advances we could not have made were it not for the existence of research, experimentation, classification, and hypotheses. Yet though we have become adept at creating formulas that do …

The Growing Insanity of Growth

Moving forward, as we continue to sacrifice our time, talent, and labor to the activities of turning our natural wealth into man-made wealth so that it can be absorbed by the ostentatious few, let us consider that pandering to growth for the sake of growth may just be the greatest insanity to ever face humanity.