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Tag: <span>money</span>

In the Beginning Was the Word, and the Word Was Money

“As humanity perfects itself, man becomes degraded.
When everything is reduced to the mere counter-balancing of economic interests, what room will there be for virtue?
When Nature has been so subjugated that she has lost all her original forms, where will that leave the plastic arts?
And so on. In the meantime, things are going to get very murky.”
– Gustave Flaubert

Can We Use Money More Collaboratively Instead of Competitively?

For a few years, before I decided to my non-monetary lifestyle experiment, I mulled over this concept of ABC2 Economics. I called it the WeBMaP at the time. In my mind, it only seemed right to find a more balanced solution to our financial predicament. While I know that much of …

The Economy Should Flow Rather Than Grow

As As I was writing Money, Sex, Power, and Faith: The Convergence of Culture, I have been weaving my way through the history of our civilization, somewhat following the path left by Charles Eisenstein in his book The Ascent of Humanity. As I read his article in the Huffington Post …