Steve McAlphabet Motorcycling Music Across America
“Right Hand Man” in Virginia – Hamilton Across America

“Right Hand Man” in Virginia – Hamilton Across America

I thought it was fitting to use the footage from Virginia for the song about George Washington. Virginia is also probably my second favorite state for motorcycling. The roads are beautiful. The mountains are beautiful. Of course it also has to deal with the seepage of traffic from Washington DC so the eastern part of the state offered relatively boring four lane commercial roads.

After a few hours of four lane roads, the signs for Skyline Road through the Shenandoah National Park were impossible not to follow. Generally, twenty-five dollars is more than I want to spend on pretty much anything, but since it does go to supporting the park services, I was all right with paying the admission fee, even if it was only a few more hours of riding. I got also got some beautiful footage so it was well worth it for me.

I have two sisters who live in Virginia, and a couple of nephews, so it’s always good to visit with them. Avoiding the highway between Stuart’s Draft and Clifton Forge is certainly the way to go. But of course, avoiding highways anywhere is the way to go.

As a side note, I did manage to book a performance of my Will Rogers show at the Historic Masonic Theatre in Clifton Forge, Virginia on August 26 at 2pm, so if you’re in the area, I hope you can make it to the show.