Steve McAlphabet Motorcycling Music Across America
Category: <span>Writing the World</span>

Why I’m Taking a Break from Facebook

I love Facebook. I can spend hours just scrolling through all of the things that my friends post, sometimes liking them and sometimes commenting, but mostly scrolling. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem that it’s time very well spent, and although I help others develop their social media strategies, Facebook hasn’t done …

Why I Supported March For Our Lives and Made What About Us?

Last week, I was watching one of the videos of the students from Parkland speaking out about gun reform, and I was struck with a thought. Several months ago, I caught Pink’s performance of her song “What About Us?” on Saturday Night Live, and I was immediately inspired to learn …

We May Not Yet Be Able To Wrap Our Heads Around It, But Universal Basic Income Is Ultimately Inevitable

More and more, people are considering the possibility of a Universal Basic Income, a stipend received by all adult citizens which insures they can pay for their basic needs. Thomas Paine was one of the first to propose the idea, followed by the likes of Martin Luther King, Richard M. …