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Take the 77 Day Estralarian Mind Meld Challenge

Take the 77 Day Estralarian Mind Meld Challenge

Russell Star Cover250With the first edition of How to Survive an Estralarian Mind Meld, I subtitled it “A Guide to Being”. Yes, the book is a fun little story about aliens who want to turn Sarasota into a marketing mecca, but it is about more than that. Underneath the text is the outline of the Unbroken Path, and while it may not stand out to those who ravenously consume the book in a day, as many do, each segment of the book offers a lot to think about for those who take their time.

Most of us don’t remember cliffhangers at the movie theater, but they were short films that left the audience dangling in anticipation to find out what happened next. The 77 chapters of How to Survive an Estralarian Mind Meld are something like that. And while that’s probably the reason so many finish it so quickly, calling it “addictive” and “impossible to put down,” I think that drawing this story out for 77 days could offer the reader a little something special.

For one, as an author, I realize how little time people have to read. Since each of the segments of How to Survive an Estralarian Mind Meld is only a few pages long, taking the 77 day challenge means that you could finish this book by adding only 5 minutes of reading time to your day.

Secondly, as I said, there are things in this book that you might want to think about for a bit. This isn’t merely because I’m such a fabulous writer, but because the outline is based on wisdom that I have yet to fully attain, but can readily point at as I move toward it. As the Estralarians told me, marketing is a metaphor for life, and if you want to get it right, you’re best to take your time with it.

Third, cliffhangers are fun. Yet although I challenge anyone to take these 77 days to make their way through the mind meld, if you’re like everybody else who has read it, ultimately, you’re going to want to find your way to the end. The challenge is to make it through all 77 days without skipping forward. Personally, I don’t think you’re gonna make it.

Nevertheless, if you do decide to undertake this endeavor, and you make it through the whole 77 days of How to Survive an Estralarian Mind Meld, I will send you a free e-book copy of The Rucksack Letters. Just email me at and let me know how you liked it. Until then, enjoy the mind meld.

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