Steve McAlphabet Motorcycling Music Across America
Redesign and Refocus

Redesign and Refocus

Now that I have finished my 110 day motorcycle tour to Seattle and back and endured two hurricanes upon my return to Florida, I am in the process of reshaping my website, should anyone actually come to visit it. I currently have way too much content on my landing page, and barely remember making one of the featured videos so I am reassessing my goals again.

The video in question was under the section called “Motorcycling Music And More”. I made it before my first tour in 2021. I booked a performance of a show I was calling “Steve McAlphabet Explains ABC Squared Economics”, based upon my book of the same name. The show includes a selection of poems from the book and songs that reinforce the themes. Booking the show to perform at the Playthink Festival in Kentucky was the impetus for the tour, and the only time I actually performed the show.

As it was, near the end of my first week on the road while in North Carolina, I hit a patch of gravel, and the motorcycle slid out from under me, slamming me to the ground like a rag doll. So instead of spending my time preparing for my performance, I was actively healing. Unfortunately, healing can still hurt a lot.

I did pull off the performance, though I did it from a chair on stage instead of on my feet how I had imagined it. Since then, I have performed my “Get The Bunk Out” show based on the political humor of Will Rogers a few times, and I have managed to book a handful of musical performances, including a performance of “The Cowboy Cabaret” as a part of “Steve McAlphabet’s Wandering Soul Road Show” featuring a screening of “The Road To Will”, the documentary I produced about my second tour to rediscover the legacy of Will Rogers. And I did at least motorcycle through all of the lower 48 states even if I have not played in all of them yet. So with all the other stuff I’ve been doing, I haven’t really revisited ABC Squared Economics as much as I probably should.

Plus, ABC Squared Economics is still in the experimentation stage, I suppose and I don’t even know how to get it to the next level technologically. However, I do believe it will come in time. In the meantime, since my first tour, I started offering custom pay what you want poetry, and I find it very fulfilling. Although I like performing on a stage, it is very rewarding to write a poem for someone and share that with them in the real world.

So I’m looking for opportunities to set up with my chair and typewriter, and offer that service as much as I am seeking places to perform. If you are aware of a festival, party, or other such gathering where people might enjoy some custom poetry, don’t hesitate to let me know. And if there’s a place where you think I should be playing music, let me know that as well. ABC Squared Economics will ripen in its own time, but I have more to cultivate.