Steve McAlphabet Motorcycling Music Across America
Your Daily Groove – Choose Joy

Your Daily Groove – Choose Joy

Participate joyfully in the sorrows of the world.

We cannot cure the world of sorrows,

but we can choose to live in joy.”

– Joseph Campbell

Every day, we are faced with an assortment of tragedies on the daily news and challenges in our own lives. It is so easy to get bogged down with all of the things that are going wrong in the world that we fail to notice what is right. Sometimes, however, if we only take a deep, cleansing breath, we can start to see that things aren’t as bad as they seem.

If we can breathe, we have the propensity for life. If we have the propensity for life, we have the propensity for joy. For each of the trials that face us offers us a purpose to achieve. Hunger gives us someone to feed. Sickness gives us someone to heal. Challenges give us something to overcome.

Our planet is a tumultuous place. That will never change. What can change is how we exist within the tumult.

In all that we face, we have the choice to be part of the problem or part of the solution. More often than not, that choice alone is the solution we require. May we choose joy in all that life offers us.

This an event I organized featuring a song I wrote and produced called “If Only”. Enjoy.


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