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ABC Squared Economics

The Vision of ABC Squared Economics

Just as humanity experienced an Agrarian, Agricultural, Industrial, and Information Revolution, I believe we are poised to usher in The Wisdom Revolution if we are able to Value Wisdom Over Insanity. If we are Prepared For The Wisdom Revolution, I would like to introduce The Basis of ABC Squared Economics .

Essentially, the theory is based on The Four Aspects Of Being And Nature. I think there is a lot of poetry in The Power Of Four, and just as each human has a heart, mind, body, and spirit and nature is comprised of water, air, earth, and fire, we participate in the world as the Artists of our lives, offering service through our Business, engagement through our Citizenry, and contribute to the development of our Community. As such, it is time we see the Economy Beyond The Market and have the insight to cultivate all Four of our Economies.

We need to understand the limits of The Market Economy. We need to recognize how much power The Core Economy Provides. We Need To Realize The Value Of The Planetary Economy, and we need to remember What A Gift The Gift Economy Is.

The Challenge Before Us is comprehending that Economic Progress Is A Work In Progress. As a species, we’ve all just been making things up as we go, doing what we could with what we’ve had, and each innovation has allowed us to more greatly collaborate in creating a more just and inclusive society. Yet we come to another milestone where, just as we moved from kingdoms to feudalism to capitalism to socialism, again We Need To Redevelop The Economy.

HTo create an economy that flows as a currency should, we need to question if There Is A Better Way To Use Money and Rethink Our Economic Goals. We also must wonder If We’ve Been Looking At Humanity All Wrong and if we’re able to Trust Humanity To Be More Than Mere Consumers. In order to Create An Economy Based On Abundance Rather Than Scarcity, we must realize that Endless Growth Is Really Not What We Should Be Striving For.To Balance Our Economy, We Must Know Who We Really Are as human beings and open up to Our True Wealth. Opening to the reality that We Are The Artists Of Our Lives, The Structure of ABC Squared Economics allows us to Start Using Money in a more holistic fashion and embrace What We Have Going For Us in this world we’re in.If we Can Value Collaboration Over Capital, there is the possibility that Blockchain Type Technology could Help Us Achieve Economic Democracy. Digital Products Could Work Using ABC Squared Economics by channeling revenue generated by everything from songs and ebooks to NFT’s. To help navigate this new digital landscape, developing A WeBMaP Could Help Us Find Our Way To A Brighter Future.