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Your Daily Groove – The Life You’re Creating

Your Daily Groove – The Life You’re Creating

“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced” – Kierkegaard

Science has afforded our civilization many advances we could not have made were it not for the existence of research, experimentation, classification, and hypotheses. Yet though we have become adept at creating formulas that do everything from baking brownies and predicting weather patterns to programming communication and strategizing attacks, we often overlook the science of living and the formulas we write as we experiment.

Indeed, formulas are already written all around us, all the way down to the strands of our DNA, every element of our lives is mapped out in some celestial abacus. However, our knowledge of these equations is not nearly as beneficial as the formulas we write every day. In the schedules that we keep, the relationships we cultivate, the service we provide, the work that we do, and the pleasure we deride from life, we get to research what gives us the most pleasant conclusion to each and every day, experiment on how to reach greater levels of daily fulfillment, classify what we want to fill our lives with, and hypothesize on a number of other experiments throughout the trials.

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